Friday, January 4, 2008

Where'd the Lights Go?


The entire grid was down after last night's storm. The office lights were out of power, so everyone left work.

Geez, my colleagues sure drive flashy cars.

The lovely receptionist, Holly, gave me a lift home. It was nice getting to know her better through our conversation all the way back. She's one of the friendliest people I've ever met!

We stopped by Wendy's for a bite. Drive-thru. It'd been over 3 years since my last Wendy's cheeseburger in Auckland, NZ. Boy, do I miss Wendy's! So I ordered a stardard single-with-cheese... Talk about delighting the senses! I would liken the sensation to a great big family reunion following a long absence, only more delicious. :) Nothing short of sheer bliss.

I later had lunch at this japanese restaurant. Doesn't look like much from outside, and the prices aren't great value-wise, but I must say the food was excellent! Both in terms of quality and quantity. (Yes, the latter's just as important as the former.) Up till today, these eyes had never seen quite so large a bento box. *burp* Yum.

At dinner, I took a photo with the family I'm staying with.

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