Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Fresh Beginnings.

Lesson #1: 2h = 18h.

Defying all logic and rationality, I flew off on 1 Jan @ 6am and touched down in San Francisco on 1 Jan @ 8am, with 18h of travelling in-between. Yep, 2h = 18h.

Such was the passing of the longest new year's day I have ever and will probably ever have.

It is also probably worth mentioning my first encounter with a butt-spraying-fountain-equipped toilet bowl in Tokyo's Narita Airport. Let's just say I was tickled by how effective it was.

Many thanks to all ye faithful who accompanied me all the way from supper @ Simpang Bedok all the way to the airport to see me off in the unearthly hours of the morning. (My All-Ye-Faithful Gang: Charles, Daniel Lee, Charmaine, Rachel Loh, Eleta aka Bugs, Jia Li, and of course; Dad and Mom.) What a way to kick off the new year huh, with your beloved bestest-friend-in-the-world / bestest-son-in-the-world Andrew! ;D

I started my 1st day in the US-of-A with an afternoon of chauffeur-driven shopping. Beginning my pilgrimage at Valley Fair Westfield in Santa Clara, I progressed onto TJ Maxx where I found an array of lovely bargains. Yummy. Total damage: $103.89

My current host is a staunch Muslim. Conversation with him has incited in me an interest in the religion. I desire to learn more about Islam, and to this end I have acquired a copy of the Quran for examination and study.

Thanks be to God for His faithfulness and mercy; for giving me this opportunity to learn and grow as I take on new challenges in unchartered waters.

Passage of the Season: 1 Chronicles 4:10 [NKJV]
"And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested."

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