Sunday, February 3, 2008

Monterey, Carmel, Gilroy.

It was a 2h drive down to Monterey. And what a drive it was! Much of it was scenic, driving through grassy hills.

Check out the re-created Kelp Forest!

Magnificent anemone and buddy fish!

Jellyfish galore!

1,000,000-gallon tank! That's nearly 3,800,000 litres! Big tank for big fish. Mahi mahi (Dolphinfish), larger-than-life tuna, larger-than-tuna sunfish, and even a white shark.

The weirdest (and hugest) fish I was acquainted with was the sunfish. It swims sideways and grows up to 10ft long! More like a UFO.

After visiting the aquarium, I took a coastal drive down to Carmel-By-The-Sea via Pebble Beach and the 17-Mile Drive. (By the way, many of the Carmel homes by the coast are drop-dead opulent! Haven't seen such impressive houses in a while.)

To get the following photo I had to balance my camera on a rock, set off the timer, then quickly yet gingerly hop from slippery rock to rock till I was standing at the edge, all within 10sec! So you'd better enjoy it twice as much! Haha.

I left Carmel at dusk and stopped by Gilroy Premium Outlets on the way home. Bargains galore! But the ultimate was a $2.50 Ralph Lauren Polo Tee. My eyes almost popped out!!

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